Morsi Rejects Calls for New Unity Government in Egypt

Markus Schreiber/Associated Press

Chancellor Angela Merkel of Germany, center left, and President Mohammed Morsi of Egypt, center right, reviewed an honor guard on Wednesday before their talks at the chancellery in Berlin.

BERLIN — President Mohamed Morsi of Egypt, meeting with Chancellor Angela Merkel on Wednesday, rejected calls for a new unity government in response to the violent demonstrations rocking his country and defended his decision to impose a state of emergency and curfew in three cities.

“In Egypt there is a stable government working day and night in the interest of all Egyptians,” Mr. Morsi said. A new government will not be formed before the upcoming parliamentary election, Mr. Morsi said.

At a moment of acute political crisis at home in Egypt, Mr. Morsi found himself on a previously scheduled visit to Berlin, where he also met with the economy minister, Philipp Rösler, and leading representatives of German businesses. Germany is Egypt’s third most important trading partner, and investment and development aid from Germany will be necessary if Egypt hopes to get back on its feet, analysts say.

His visit to Germany was controversial, with newspapers and television commentators questioning whether Egypt was on the path to democracy. In a country conscious of its responsibility for the Holocaust, Mr. Morsi’s past comments about Jews and Zionists have also raised concerns.

After the two leaders met, Mr. Morsi and Ms. Merkel held a joint news conference at the chancellery building on Wednesday afternoon. A German reporter asked Mr. Morsi about comments in which he described Zionists as “bloodsuckers” and “the descendants of apes and pigs.”

Mr. Morsi said his statements had been taken out of context. “I am not against Judaism as a religion,” he said. “I am not against Jews practicing their religion. I was talking about anybody practicing any religion who spills blood or attacks innocent people — civilians. I criticize such behavior.

“My religion instructs me to believe in all the prophets and to respect all religions as well as every person’s freedom of religion,” Mr. Morsi continued. “Everyone believes in and practices his religion the way he sees fit as long as it remains lawful in the country he lives in.”

Ms. Merkel made it clear that Germany would continue its support of Egypt’s transition to democracy only if Mr. Morsi’s government upheld certain democratic ideals.

“One thing that is important for us is that the channels of dialogue are always open with all political forces in Egypt, so that the different political forces can play their role,” Ms. Merkel said.

She said Berlin would also like to see Egypt uphold human rights, ensure the free practice of religion and establish a government based on the rule of law in exchange for Germany’s support.

Last year, Egypt received around $130 million in development aid from Berlin.

The fact that Mr. Morsi decided to travel to Berlin despite the mounting problems at home reflects how important he views his country’s relationship to Germany, said Sarah Hartmann, an Egypt expert and head of the European Union-Middle East Forum at the German Council on Foreign Relations.

“They desperately need an improvement in their economic circumstances,” Ms. Hartmann said. “It’s going worse for the people than before the revolution. Egypt needs help from abroad. It can’t solve its problems itself.”

Following his meeting with the chancellor, Mr. Morsi and a delegation of business officials were to meet with representatives of German industry to set up a bilateral trade commission. Visitors from Germany also make up a significant part of the tourism sector, which Egypt relies on. The news that armed men had attacked the Semiramis InterContinental Hotel in Cairo on Tuesday is likely to further discourage vacationers from traveling to Egypt, hindering economic recovery.

The spiraling violence in three Suez Canal cities in recent days, and demands by members of the opposition that Mr. Morsi enter into dialogue with them, overshadowed his visit to Germany.

Egypt’s top general warned that the state was in danger of collapse as a result of the violence in three Suez Canal cities, Port Said, Suez and Ismailia. They are now under a one-month state of emergency, which gives the president and the police extraordinary powers and suspends ordinary judicial process as well as most civil rights.

In response to a question from an Egyptian reporter, Mr. Morsi addressed concerns that he was using the hated legal tool favored by Hosni Mubarak, the ousted president. “I have emphasized time and again that I do not like making use of these emergency powers in the course of the transformation process,” Mr. Morsi said. “And I will never allow myself or anybody else to break the law in that regard, in any direction, no matter what the circumstances are.” He said that was why he declared states of emergency in those three cities only.

Mr. Morsi also pointed to the fact that the emergency measures were temporary and that he had given the governors of those cities the authority to reverse the decision when the situation stabilized as evidence that he was not abusing those powers.

“This measure is to protect the safety of residents and put a stop to the conflicts and criminal attacks,” Mr. Morsi said. “As soon as the situation stabilizes, this measure will be reversed.”

Mayy el Sheikh contributed reporting from Cairo, and Chris Cottrell and Victor Homola from Berlin.

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